Located on the campus of   

Hamilton County Jr/Sr High School
1 Fox Lane * McLeansboro, IL  62859

Home | Events | Goals | Outdoor Tour | Unit 10

Plant Collections | Animal Collections | Watershed and Soils | Resources | Contact

Purposes & Objectives

Purpose: Education

a. To establish outdoor lab stations to study wildlife management, hydrology and soils

1. Establish study quadrants

2. Conduct surveys to catalogue current on-site species

3. Label all trees in excess of 20 centimeters

b. To serve as a community resource

1. Develop a web-page for the arboretum as part of the Unit 10 web-site

2. Provide species maps via information kiosks

3. Emphasize native species selections for landscaping

c. To serve as a plant testing site

1. USDA native plant testing site

2. Holly Society of America plant testing site

Purpose: Conservation

a. To increase bio-diversity

1. Reintroduce "missing" plant species

2. Maximize nesting sites for animal species

3. Monitor water quality in Bear Creek

b. To diminish soil loss

1. Maintain creek bank plantings to reduce erosion

2. Identify problem areas in the watershed

3. Limit human access to specific areas

i. Establish paths and plantings to control access

c. To control exotics

1. Remove invasive, exotic plant species

2. Monitor non-invasive exotic plant species used in the landscape

3. Develop a management plan for non-native animals

                                      Hamilton Co. Unit District No. 10 Schools

                                       | 2010 Jesse Nevarez| Updated 11-March-2010 |