Hamilton County Junior High


March 26, 2012



Drama students will meet Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week from 3:05 - 4:30 p.m.


Volleyball team needs to turn in uniforms to Mrs. Golden by Wednesday, March 28.


The Jr/Sr High Jazz Band concert is tonight, at 7:00 p.m.  in the Commons area.  Come enjoy the music.


March 26-30 we will be celebrating Spring with Spring Fling Fun “dress up” days.  Monday is Lazy Day, Tuesday is Neon Day, Wednesday is Country Day, Thursday is Hippie Day, and Friday is FOXES day.


Birthdays:                  None


Trivia for the Day:    In 1891 Mr. W.L. Judson invented a small metalic object that most people make use of, men a bit more than women. What was it?


Answer:                      ZIPPER


Please Stand for the Pledge