Communicable Disease Incubation Period Symptoms Period of Isolation
Chicken Pox 14-21 days Red raised dots with fluid blisters which usually start on back on chest At least 10 days after the appearance of last eruptions. May return sooner if a doctor sees child and send admit slip.
Fifth's Disease 4-20 days Rash on cheeks (Cheeks look like someone has slapped them) No fever or low grade. Red flat or raised rash that last from 2-39 days (average 11 days) Until they are feeling well-not contagious once rash occurs.
Impetigo 2-3 days Pinhead to bean-size lesions easily recognized by their honey colored, readily crumbling and easily removable crusts. Until scabs have formed over all the lesions. With no drainage or until MD confirmed treatment for 24 hours.
Pink Eye (Conjunctivities) On Contact 1) Discharge
2)Crusts on lashes
3)Eye pain
4)Swollen eyelids
5)Redness in eye
6)Intense itching
When eye is no longer red or draining or when Dr. writes note saying child is no longer infectious & can return to school.
Ringworm (Fungus infection of the skin) On Contact 1) on scalp-patchy hair loss
2)On body-red, circular, flat and scaling with well defined borders.
1) Scale: 2-5 days after start of (MD confirmed) treatment
2)Body: Until 1st (MD confirmed) treatment completed.