Hamilton County Schools Foundation

Minutes of Meeting Held December 2, 2009



Present:  Mike Karcher, Lovella Craddock, Mary Little, Vince Mitchell, Mary Lee Stephens, Karen Rapp, Ryan Nelson, Kathy Pryer and Virginia [Bobbin] Lasater


The meeting was called to order by Mike Karcher at 5:00 PM at the Unit #10 Office.


Motion to approve the minutes of the August 26 and September 26, 2009 meetings was made by Mary Lee and seconded by Vince.  Motion approved by voice vote.


The Treasurer’s Report as of December 2, 2009 indicating a balance in the checking account of $10,881.81, [included in this amount is $5,329.51 for the Track Renovation Project, $100.00 in the restricted account, and $5,452.30 in the general fund], Combs-Money Market of $650.92, Lasater-Savings of $110.42, Combs-Scholarship of $27,852.00, Lasater-Scholarship of $25,030.67, Weinmann Scholarship CDs of $25,376.26, Banterra - Foundation unrestricted of $353.87, and Weinmann McCoy Library CD of $4,060.95.  The Foundation has total assets of $94,317.00.  Discussion followed.  Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as of December 2, 2009 was made by Mary Lee and seconded by Karen.  Motion approved by voice vote. 


Approval to pay bills:  None to approve.



Old Business

  1. Homecoming BBQ Follow-Up:  Bobbin handed out the BBQ 2009 summary.  Discussion followed.  The following items were discussed;
    • Reevaluate the quantity of food with the ticket sales for next year.
    • Plastic ware from Sam’s instead of ordering from Andy and Brenda’s
    • Business Letter did not merit much response; you need to follow up in person.  Suggested we sell tables to the local business.
    • Letters sent to membership about the BBQ got a good response.  We will want to continue this next year. 
  2. Mailing List/Membership Renewals:  Bobbin has the Class of 1998 ready to mail.  The Class of 1950 has been updated but the alumni membership letter was sent to this class in February of 2008.  The classes of 1954, 1955, and 1964 are updated.  Bobbin will get envelopes from Mike and mail the letters.  Bobbin will update the alumni membership drive letter and the membership renewal letters and have them ready for our next meeting for review and approval. 
  3. Track Committee Update:  The track still needs hurdles at an estimated cost of $15,000.00.  It has been suggested by the track committee members to sell sponsorships for each hurdle.  Vince will work with the track committee for signs of the rules and regulations. 
  4. Tennis Court Lights Update:  The electric breakers keep tripping.  The first set of courts had 300 amp breakers.  This set of courts had 200 amp breakers, which seemed to be the problem.  Nelson Electric changed the breakers to 225 amp breakers.  Hopefully, this will eliminate the problem.  The light beams were adjusted but haven’t been evaluated as of today.  The lights were a plus for the Homecoming events.  We do not have pricing for surveillance camera.
  5. Other:  none


New Business

  1. Consideration to Provide Funds for Jr-Sr High Wellness Conference:  The Jr-Sr High has a Wellness Conference scheduled for 2/5/2010.  The students pick 4 sessions to attend from a variety of speakers and topics.  It typically cost $90.00/per speaker plus travel expenses.  Discussion followed.  Ryan made a motion to donate $500.00 toward the Wellness Conference, seconded by Kathy.  Motion approved by voice vote.
  2. Other:  Bobbin reviewed the previous grants that have been awarded by the Foundation.  Discussion followed.  The Foundation will follow up with the local funeral homes about memorial donations to the Foundation.  We need to work on a list of possible projects for the Foundation in the coming year. 


The next meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 5:00 PM at the Unit #10 office


Mary motioned to adjourn, seconded by Lovella.  Motion approved by voice vote.  The meeting was adjourned.


Date:    Approved 1/27/2010               


   Virginia Lasater                              

Virginia Lasater, Secretary

Hamilton County Schools Foundation