Regular Meeting

November 16, 2004 at 6:00 p.m.

Location of Meeting: Unit Office Board Room



I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes (action possible): Regular Meeting - October 19, 2004

IV. Financial Reports (action possible)


A. Treasurer’s Report

B. Budget Reports

C. Bill Listing

V. Correspondence


VI. Recognition of Visitors


VII. Superintendent’s Report

A. Status Report

B. Curriculum Report

C. Out-of-State Trips (action possible)


VIII. Old Business

A. Summer League Report (action possible)

B. Building and Grounds Update (action possible)

C. Awarding of the Dahlgren Farm Ground Lease (action possible)


IX. New Business


A. Adoption of the 2004 Tax Levy (action possible)

B. December Board Meeting Start Time (action possible)

C. First Reading: Policy JBA - Revised (action possible)

D. First Reading: Policy BBAA - Revised (action possible)

E. First Reading: Policy BBABA - Revised (action possible)

F. First Reading: Policy BBABC - Revised (action possible)

G. First Reading: Policy BCBK - Revised (action possible)

H. Executive Session

a. Personnel-Related Considerations

b. Student Disciplinary Action

c. Pending Litigation Update

I. Open Session: Action Following Executive Session (if any)

a. Personnel Considerations (action possible)

b. Student Disciplinary Action (no action to be taken)

c. Pending Litigation (action possible)


X. Adjournment