Special Board Meeting


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

8:00 p.m., Unit Office








I.                    Call to Order


II.                 Roll Call


III.               Superintendent’s Report


IV.              Schedule Public Hearing on Administrative Costs Waiver


V.                 Executive Session

A.     Student Discipline: Expulsion Hearings (Student A & B)

B.     Pending Litigation

C.     Personnel Considerations


VI.              Open Session: Action after Executive Session (if any)

A.     Student Discipline: Expulsions (action possible)

B.     Pending Litigation (action possible)

C.     Personnel Considerations (action possible)


VII.            Adjournment



Executive Session Motion:


To convene in executive session to conduct student disciplinary hearings; to discuss appointment, employment, compensation and performance of specific employees and to discuss pending litigation against the district.